April 2025 shows

【Kabuki-za theatre】April 3rd - 25th (No performance on 10th and 18th)
【Kabuki-za theatre】April 3rd - 25th (No performance on 10th and 18th)
【The National Theatre】was closed for the reconstruction in October 2023. During reconstruction, The National Theatre continues to present its performances at other facilities.  January performance is at the New National Theatre. No performance in April.
【The National Theatre】was closed for the reconstruction in October 2023. During reconstruction, The National Theatre continues to present its performances at other facilities. January performance is at the New National Theatre. No performance in April.


【Kabuki-za theatre】

Matinee [start time: 11:00am, end time: 3:15pm (TBC)]

【Performance dates】April 3rd-9th, 11th-17th, 19th-25th

【Programs】 Our rating: ★~★★★★★

1. "Kobikicho no Adauchi" ★?

Domestic drama. 2 acts. First performed in 2025.

Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes

2. "Kurotegumi Kuruwa no Tatehiki" ★★★★★

Domestic drama. First performed in 1857.

Approximately 2 hours inclduing intermission

Evening show [start time: 4:15pm. end time: 9:00pm(TBC)]

【Performance dates】April 3rd-9th, 11th-17th, 19th-25th

【Programs】Our rating: ★~★★★★★

1. "Hikosan Gongen Chikai no Sukedachi"  ★★★★★

  Domestic drama. First performed in 1790.

     Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.

2. "Shunkyo Kagami Jishi" ★★★★★

     Dance. First performed in 1892.

      Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.

3. "Muhitsu no Shusse" ★?

     Domestic drama. First performed in 2025.

     Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes?

【The National Theatre】

Matinee[No performance]

【Performance dates】No performance


Afternoon show [No performance]

【Performance date】No performance


Evening show [No performance]

【Performance dates】No performance


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If you would like more information, we will be happy to email youprograms and photographs from the shows.